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Arkansas Medical Marijuana Ballot Initiative Provided with Submission Extension

Marijuana Arkansas

A group attempting to get medical marijuana on the Arkansas ballot in November fell slightly short on obtaining signatures. But the group petitioned for additional time and was granted a short extension.

The state requires 84,859 valid signatures to include the measure on the November ballot, and Arkansans United for Medical Marijuana collected 72,309 signatures according to The Cannabist. The extension was granted mainly due to the group collecting 75-pecent of the required signatures. The extension gives them until August 29 to have the required number of signatures for ballot inclusion.

Sponsor of the proposal, David Couch, claims that there are enough signatures already turned in. He said, “We have more than enough signatures in hand right now to qualify for the ballot.”

Another medical marijuana proposal, by Arkansans for Compassionate Care, has already collected the required number of signatures. Their ballot measure has been approved. Couch has been urged by Arkansans for Compassionate Care to withdraw his proposal as having both on the ballot may result in the failure of both.

Family Council Action Committee member Jerry Cox said, “This amendment establishes a powerful marijuana industry in Arkansas, and it puts that industry largely beyond the reach of Arkansas’ lawmakers and citizens.”

Currently, medical marijuana is opposed by the Family Council Action Committee and Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson.